You know those people that love to give a ton of advice, but they do the exact opposite of what they advise? It’s like they say, “Eat well and exercise!” from the comfort of their couch, accessorized with a gallon of chocolate chip chunk, while wielding the almighty remote.
Well folks….that’s been me of late. Thinking exactly like my suffering clients, and not making any changes.
I recently had a client become very upset, because she was just lacking energy and feeling totally incapable of doing everything she needed to do, including improving her emotional well-being. This particular person had been through a lot in the recent weeks, and just deserved to sleep. But that un-nerved her.
Weirdly, after our session, I came down with a cold. A searing sore throat woke me up in the middle of the night, and it continued through the next 4 days or so, culminating into a “man voice” of epic porportions.
[On the plus side, singing contralto was super fun during those days. Almost worth the pain.]
Even though I was weak and sick, I continued to work, even doing a therapy session on a hike (wait, you don’t know I do that? Check it out!). It wasn’t the smartest idea. I just wanted to sleep for a week after that.
The sore throat and head cold eventually went away, and I thought I was free and clear to continue with my present state of work affairs.
Sh*t got real.
Hello stomach virus. Goodbye ability to do………anything.
Have you ever had one of those illnesses that render you completely useless? Like you can’t even wield the almighty remote? And chocolate chunk sounds like something…else.
Let’s not talk about it.
The point is, I was sick. I needed to rest.
And I couldn’t accept that.
I am co-chair for RESOLVE’s inaugural Tri-State Walk of Hope, I run a practice, I have to do paperwork, do interviews, make phone calls, write sh*t, HELP people, dammit!
But all I could do was lay there. And sleep. And accept dog kisses.
Normal people would be delighted to hang in bed all day, but I was – one of my favorite 90s West Coast words – bent. I was seriously bent outta shape that I couldn’t do all of the things that I wanted to do.
And then I remembered my client. What did I say to her? Think, Maria, think!
Oh yeah….
Be well,
~Dr. M