Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed this one thing more and more in my clients.
Maybe it’s because I have been doing it myself as part of the stress of launching a new product, or maybe it’s the weather.
Or as Dolly Parton says in Steel Magnolias, maybe it’s “because the elastic is shot in her pantyhose. Who knows?”
The point is, it is something people do Every. Single. Day.
And you probably do it, too.
You beat yourself up.
I remember doing this way back in the day when I would settle for nothing less than an A. I literally had a tantrum one time when I got a B in a class for my masters program (Because, obviously less than a 4.0 means I will never acheive ultimate success, right? Right?).
My husband had to talk me off of the ledge that time. Thanks hunny!
Incidentally, infertility cured me of this perfectionist crap, which is something I will forever be grateful for. Thanks, Infertility!
Still, I do tend to beat myself up at times, and it would continue, if I didn’t learn to roll with the punches until they decide to leave me alone.
P.S. This is part of what’s taught in The Mindful Fertility Workshop. If you’re new here, go check it out, stat!. [EDIT: This course is no longer offered for free. 🙁 It will be offered for a very reasonable price in the near future, though. Hang tight!]
Okay, here’s what beating one’s self up is like. This is not a pretty picture, and I’m warning you, it’s going to hurt a bit to read.
Beating yourself up is like a puppy happily rolling over on her back for you. She really wants a belly scratch, and instead of warmly and gently scratching her belly…you kick her.
I know. It’s a painful visual. Sorry.
But, think about it. Here you are, doing the best you can, maybe tripping along the way, being all vulnerable in your head…..Then…
You kick yourself.
What. The. Frig.
That, my friend, is the last thing you need.
So today’s blog post is a simple and gentle reminder to be kind to yourself.
The next time you find yourself in a vulnerable position, give yourself a belly scratch (or bath, mani/pedi, good eats, exercise, talk with a friend, journal, meditate, therapist appointment, etc.)
You’re doing the best you can. Yes. You. Are.
Be well,
P.S. Seriously. If you want to learn how to calm those crazy IF thoughts and emotions all while improving your fertility, go check out The Mindful Fertility Workshop, like NOW! [EDIT: This course will be available again for a nominal fee in the near future. Hang tight!]