If you’ve read my uber popular Choosing Adoption series, you know that I’m into signs. Not like road signs and billboards (though I do have a healthy collection of old Elvis movie poster tins…hee hee).
I mean signs from the Universe.
(P.S. If you haven’t read the Choosing Adoption series, go to it! Seriously….over 17,000 hits and keeps going. Peeps are lovin’ it. Start with Part One here or jump to Part Two where I start talking about Universal Signs. 🙂 )
So, yes…signs from the Universe. When I was going through my whole transformation from beat down infertility girl to Zen Mama-to-Be, I was absolutely convinced that the Universe, God, Source, Yahweh, the Collective Unconscious – whatever you want to call that divine evergy – was sending me signs that things were going to be okay. I would literally be feeling a crash and burn coming, and POP….there would be another sign.
“Don’t worry, Maria. All is well. It always was. It always will be.”
Still. Even though it happened to me so many times, I raise my eyebrows to it once in a while.
I mean, could that shit really be real?
True to form, I set off to test it out. And I even found a book on the subject, so I know it’s not just me who’s curious. Shoot, maybe this was just another Universal sign saying, “Yeah, I’m real. Check out this book, and you’ll find out.” So, I did.
And what I found inspired a justified jaw drop.
E-Squared is a series of 9 experiments to prove that your mind can affect the world around you. Essentially, what you think about is drawn to you.
Hello, Law of Attraction. So, I’m like, yeah, yeah…heard this all before.
But, one experiment in particular drew me. The author calls it the Volkswagen Jetta Principle. Everyone has experienced this: You know that thing where you are thinking of buying a particular car? And then suddenly you see them everywhere? That’s the Volkswagen Jetta Principle.
The experiment asks you to think of a particular car and document how many times you see it in a 24 hour period. Well, being an I’m-gonna-make-this-tough-on-you kind of experimenter, I decided to look for orange cars. Because, who has an orange car?
Well, in the span of 12 hours, I saw seven. SEVEN! Even my super grounded husband was like, “Hmmmm…”
But, of course, the next day I thought to myself, “Obviously there are more orange cars on the road than I thought. Let’s do something even more tough. Pink cars!”
Wouldn’t you know it, on the way to work I saw a cable van on the road that was – you guessed it – PINK. A cable van! Pink! THEN, at the next intersection where I was stopped at a stop sign, what crossed my path? An old classic car resembling a Model T painted bubble gum pink.
I shit you not.
As such, whenever I am having a particularly rough time at anything, I now tend to ask the Universe for a sign that things are going to be alright.
Over the last couple of months, I’ve been coming across a lot of little white feathers about the size of a dime. They’ve seemed rather out of place in the dreary weather and transition into Spring, so they’ve been noteworthy to me. I even looked up what they could mean.
According to this site, they are the physical representation of the presence of an angel. The third time I picked one up, I thought it was kinda sweet, but that it was probably just a total coincidence. I mean, I did find them outside….there was probably a bird nearby losing its feathers.
Then. A bump in life’s road. More like devastation. I was thrown back into the emotional woes of that infertile girl trying to claw her way out of the darkness. Even though this event wasn’t infertility-related, the pain, sadness, grief, and anxiety were all too familiar.
What else could I do but ask the Universe for a sign that all was going to be okay. I asked that the sign be unequivocal; I would NOT be able to chalk it up to coincidence.
The next day, I took my son with me to run some errands. We were waiting for my oil change, and my son was gleefully climbing in the tires on the showroom floor. When I asked him to come out of the tires, he impishly replied, “Okay, Mama.”
Next I heard him exclaim, “Oh look, Mama!”
He then excitedly ran over to me with a treasure he had discovered inside one of the tires:
A big, beautiful, fluffy, white feather.
Sometimes, you just have to ask.
Whether it’s a hug, a shoulder to cry on, for somebody to stop asking you sensitive stuff about building your family, or for a sign from the Universe…Just Ask.
(Yep, those are the actual feathers. Because, I’m hokey, and I save shit like that).
Written in honor of National Infertility Awareness Week 2016, April 24-30th.
The theme: #StartAsking
Until next time, be well,
P.S. In a few weeks, The Mindful Fertility Workshop will close to the general public! Gaaahh! If you haven’t signed up to receive your free version yet, please do so before the doors close. After that you’ll have to, like, pay for it and stuff. Wouldn’t that suck? Go get it HERE.
[EDIT: I’m sorry this course is no longer offered for free. 🙁 It will be available soon for a reasonable fee, though. All is not lost!]
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