Goodbye IF, Hello When


Tired of being stuck not knowing if you’ll have a baby? Move from if to WHEN in this powerful meditation to change your thoughts on realizing your miracle.


Are you tired of not having your baby? Tired of being stuck not knowing when you will have finally realized your dream of having a baby? There is a plethora of science that indicates we are what we think. Essentially, if you are able to change your thoughts from IF to WHEN, your brain will begin to send the correct chemicals to signal your body to increase fertility (Look up Drs. Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza).

The science is too important to ignore! This meditation will help you release the fear of not knowing when you’ll be a parent and help move you into a peaceful knowing that your baby is on their way.  Ahhhhhhh….it’s no longer if you will have a baby, it’s when.


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