Being Calm


Ever feel like being calm in infertility is an oxymoron? Reduce panic and anxiety with this guided meditation designed to help you find peaceful moments.


You know that panic, anxiety, and sad mood when dealing with infertility?  Yeah, they all blow.  Being calm is like a distant memory sometimes.  I recall a time when someone stopped me in the hallway at work to tell me they were pregnant.  She didn’t know I had gotten my period that day.

Boy, I sure could’ve used a meditation like this when I slinked back to my office and burst out in tears.

If you’re feeling infertility angst a little too often, this meditation will guide you to relaxed muscles, fewer racing thoughts, slower and deeper breathing, and images of peace and tranquility.  Ten minutes and you are on your way to calm.

Side effects include a brighter outlook, hope, compassion for self, and more blood flow to your reproductive organs due to getting out of flight, fight, or freeze mode.  Who knew side effects could be so good?


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