MHFP 102 – [Reprise] No Mud, No Lotus (Transforming Suffering)
Hey, guys! I am personally celebrating my entry into the hundreds of episodes by taking a break, but that doesn't mean that you don't still get some great content. So, I am offering a reprise of one of my most popular episodes called ‘No Mud, No Lotus’. It's about...
MHFP 101: Calling in The Magic – Fertility Shamanism with Dr. Emma Brodzinski
Hey, there! Today is yet another SUPER interesting episode. I sat down with Dr. Emma Brodzinski, who is a therapist working from a shamanic perspective. I just love her energy. I love the empowering things that she has to say. And the fact that you can journey in this...
MHFP 100: Picture of a New You (100th Episode!)
WE'RE ON OUR 100TH EPISODE! WOOHOO!!! And I'm just sitting with so much gratitude for you. I know that you're there. I know that you're listening. I know that you're all over the world and I'm just so grateful for you for tuning in and hopeful for you on your journey,...
MHFP 099: Infertility Can Suck Less with Pradeepa Narayanaswamy
Today is Miracles Happen Fertility podcast’s 99th episode! I have here the beautiful Pradeepa Narayanaswamy, she wrote a book called “Infertility Can Suck Less”, which is also the title of today’s episode. Here, she talks about getting unstuck on your fertility...
MHFP 098: I Just Need Some Friggin’ Sleep
Inspired by a recent inability to sleep and a client who emailed me asking about sleep struggles and thought it might be a useful podcast episode.Here is what is covered in today's episode: What prompted my inability to sleep. Pre-sleep and calming activities you can...
MHFP 097: The Underwear in My Shoe, An IVF Story with Brett Russo
This is episode 90 freaking seven. Whoa! Yes, we are creeping up on the 100th episode. I can't believe it. This has been a wild ride over the years and I'm so happy to be able to get this podcast to you on a weekly basis. Today’s episode is called The Underwear in My...
MHFP 096: What To Do When You Get Pissed?
In the fertility world, there is shame around the feeling of anger, or talking about anger. And as we all know, shame is extremely powerful and it's a road we don't want to go into.Here is what is covered in today's episode: What to do when you get pissed? Common...
MHFP 095: Is Medical Intuition a Thing? With Kelly Meehan
Kelly Meehan graces the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast today. This very calming and chill presence talks about medical intuition and if it's an actual thing. Kelly is a healing visionary, published author, birth advocate, and a holistic earth mother to her sons...