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So, after I feel resolved from infertility all of the triggers and sad moments will stop, right? Hmmm…have a listen.
Things we talk about in this episode:
- What the heck are infertility triggers?
- Can I ever get rid of them?
- What do I do when I experience them?
Resources from this episode:
- “Pulling Your Own Strings” -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
- “You’ll See It When You Believe It” -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
- Quote: “This is my way. What is your way? The way does not exist.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
To share your thoughts and/or ask questions:
- Email info@drmariarothenburger.com
- Visit me over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
- If you love what you hear, please leave feedback over at iTunes! (actually, even if you don’t love what you hear) 😉