Happy Fertility Friday!
Welcome to this year-long series in 2020 on inviting more compassion into your life.
This is Week 7.
Find out why I’m doing this compassion series in Week One, and access the rest of the series at the bottom of this post.
Each week I’ll go over a new quote in the book A Year of Living with More Compassion and make a vlog for you, so you can practice along with me. I figured why not spread the compassion, right?
This week’s quote is a lovely one by the Buddha:
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself.”
As always, the video has a TON more information about this quote in a short 5-minute vlog. Here is the practice for this week [adapted]:
- Each day when you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror and say “Hello, [your name].”
- When that becomes comfortable, do the same mirror exercise, but change the greeting to “Hello, [your name], I have compassion for you.”
- When that becomes comfortable, do the same mirror exercise, but change the greeting to “Hello, [your name], I love you.”
Many people feel super awkward doing this exercise at first. That is okay. Notice, as it starts to become more comfortable, what a joy it is!
Hoping you feel more peaceful and more compassionate toward yourself and others after this week’s exercise. I’ll see you next week!
Be well,
Access all previous weeks here.
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