Happy Fertility Friday!
And welcome to this year-long series on inviting more compassion into your life. This is week Four.
Find out why I’m doing this compassion series in Week One (basically I realized I was being mean to myself).
Each week I will go over a new quote as indicated in the book A Year of Living with More Compassion, and I will produce a vlog for you, so you can practice along with me.
This is the fourth week of the series. You can find the rest of the series below:
The quote this week is by Pema Chodron, an American Buddhist Monk:
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”
Here is the practice for this week:
1) Identify a trait you judge yourself for. Ask yourself how often you display this trait. Who are you when you don’t display the trait – are you still you?
2) Are you the only person to display this trait or is it a common human experience?
3) What are the various causes of such a trait (early family experiences? genetics? life pressures?)? If outside sources are part of it, is it accurate to think of the trait as reflecting the true you?
4) What happens when you reframe your self-description so that you don’t define yourself as this trait? For example, instead of “I am an angry person,” you say “sometimes I get angry.”
Hoping you feel more peaceful and more compassionate toward yourself and others after this week’s exercise. I’ll see you next week!
Be well,
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