My special guest for this episode is Josephine Atluri, an expert in meditation and in overcoming adversity to find joy. In today’s episode Josephine teaches us how to recognize and remember the beauty and the power and the light that’s within us during our journey to motherhood.

Josephine Atluri is an expert in meditation and in overcoming adversity to find joy. Through her unique journey on her path to become a mom of five, Josephine weathered many ups and downs with IVF, international adoption and surrogacy. Channeling her experience to find calm and courage and to focus on perseverance, she now helps others navigate life’s curveballs, through group and individual online meditation training and her “Responding to Life” podcast.

On August 1st, Josephine hosted an online workshop to cultivate a fertility mindfulness practice called “Empowering Your Fertility Journey.” In this special workshop, participants will learn the basics of incorporating meditation and mindfulness to support and empower themselves in their fertility journey. The workshop will include meditation, journaling and tools to reduce stress, boost your emotional and mental health and increase calm.

In addition, Josephine does group meditation training for staffs of such prestigious entities as Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.  She also offers fertility Ave parenting workshops and meditation sessions.

Here is what is covered in today’s episode:

  • Josephine’s fertility journey

  • Meditation through motherhood

  • Josephine’s top 3 meditation tips

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Here is what is covered in today's episode:

  • how to deal with the anxiety associated with letting go of stuff and making decisions
  • specific steps to take when you are not sure what to do next
  • the roles intuition and attention play
  • the heart-brain connection known as HeartMath, specifically, the Freeze-Frame Technique



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