“I’m an intelligent, educated moron. That’s what I felt like pretty much every second I was in Kiev. I know a lot, but what I know about life and the world compared to what I don’t isn’t even a comparison. My knowledge and wisdom could fit into a thimble, and what I don’t know would equal the volume of 10 Pacific Oceans.
I met my lovely wife in 2008. We got married in 2009. We tried to have children but were unsuccessful. Finally, in 2012, we were blessed with a daughter, who will be a shining light in the world throughout her life. She’s that special. We had to go the IVF route to get her, which was long, difficult and expensive. Regardless, it was more than worth it.
We knew we’d face a struggle if we wanted to have any more children. The IVF results were not getting us anywhere except poorer and sadder. As you’ll see with some of the stories yet to be told, happenstance brought us to a fertility agency that specialized in surrogacy births in Ukraine. This is our story.”
Here is what is covered:
- Who is Jay Nault?
- What’s Jay’s fertility journey story?
- Why gestational surrogacy overseas?
- What are basic things folks need to know if they’d like to pursue a similar journey?
Resources in this episode:
- Jay’s Blog: Flip Flops in Kyiv
- Find Jay on Facebook
- Infertility Survey mentioned at the end of the episode via Pregnantish Magazine
To share your thoughts and/or ask questions:
- email info@drmariarothenburger.com
- visit me over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
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Here is what is covered in today's episode:
- how to deal with the anxiety associated with letting go of stuff and making decisions
- specific steps to take when you are not sure what to do next
- the roles intuition and attention play
- the heart-brain connection known as HeartMath, specifically, the Freeze-Frame Technique
Resources in this episode:
- The Childless Collective Summit official website
- link to Episode #72: Tools for Handling Hard Sh*t
- link to Episode #59: Your Intuition ALWAYS Knows What’s Next
- link to Accessing Intuition by Dr. Maria Rothenburger
- Link to HeartMath’s official website
- Spirit Baby Foundations Training
- Miracles Happen Fertility Center YouTube Channel
- Miracles Happen Newsletter
- Buy Transcending Infertility today!
Thanks for Listening!