I talk a lot about preparing the body for optimal fertility by virtue of reducing stress, taking care of yourself, etc. There’s a fairly large component missing there, because truly moving toward fertility means growing from the adversity inherent in the process.
Think about it. When you begin to truly live from a place of peace, your body responds in kind. Too much research to ignore there. What you choose to do with adversity is based on who you are inside. And only when you quiet down the noise going on around and inside you will you get in touch with who you really are.
Now, I should note when I started the process of quieting down, the quietness brought out some shit that I didn’t want to quite look at. Here’s a list. Ready for my vulnerability? Here goes: I expected my husband to be different than who he was. I expected everyone to know what was going on in my mind and respond sensitively. I expected others to take my tongue lashings with grace. I expected perfection from myself. I doubled the tongue lashings to myself, because I expected that to be motivating. In fact, I felt guilty if I didn’t kick my own ass daily.
So what did I do about all of that noise? Listen in to find out!
Here is what is covered:
- What does it mean to “tune down the noise”?
- Why you 100% want to tune down the noise in your life
- How to go about doing it
- Two categories of noise to work on
Resources in this episode:
- Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
- Sensitive: The Movie (w/Alanis Morrisette)
- Sleep Cycle app
- Insight Timer app
- MHFP: Episode 21 The Orange Theory
- Meditation: Letting Go (Not Giving Up)
To share your thoughts and/or ask questions:
- email info@drmariarothenburger.com
- visit me over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
Thanks for Listening!
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