Do I Need a Counselor or a Coach?

One of the biggest questions I get from around the world is “What is the difference between Fertility Counseling and Fertility Coaching?”  So, I’m going to answer that for you today!First, a super important point to note is that coaching and...

Emotional Freedom Technique: Dealing with Anxiety

So, I tried to explain the Emotional Freedom Technique on a recent podcast (Fear Soup), but it’s really a very visual thing.  So, I decided to get visual for ya!  If you are struggling with anxiety during your fertility struggle, try EFT for solid, quick...

What’s the deal with food and fertility?

So I polled the peeps on my mailing list what they would like to know about food and fertility. Because, dang if there isn’t a crap ton of information out there.  I remember eating crazy amounts of pineapple, avoiding coffee like the plague (while secretly...

Infertility & Cancer: Continuing to #flipthescript for NIAW

In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, I like to highlight conversations around infertility and its emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual impact.  As part of my doctoral research, I noted many studies that liken emotional struggles associated with...

Flipping for National Infertility Awareness Week 2018

It has been nearly twelve years since we first began our TTC adventure, and I can still remember the bewilderment of entering the Reproductive Endocrinologist’s office for the first time [hear my story HERE and HERE. You can also read my adoption story beginning...