HAWMC Day 6: A Letter to Infertility

Hi all!  It’s Day 6 of the HAWMC and an absolutely gorgeous day here on the East Coast (finally!).  Dare I say Spring has arrived? You can start with Day 1 of HAWMC here. Today’s prompt:  Write a letter to your condition — what do you...

HAWMC Day 5: Thinking BIG!

It’s Day 5 of HAWMC….still going strong here.  Wah-hoo!  You can start with Day 1 here. Today’s prompt: If I could do anything as a Health Activist…”  Think big today!  Money/time/physical limitations are no...

HAWMC Day 4: Favorite Things

It’s Day 4 of the HAWMC 2013, and I am diggin’ the way this is going.  I’m learning a lot and feeling all involved and stuff. You can start with Day 1 here. Today’s Prompt: Create a “care page” — a list of your best...

HAWMC Day 3: Wordless Wednesday

HAWMC Day 3: Post a picture that symbolizes your condition and your experiences. You can find Day 1 here.   Like a lotus flower that grows out of the mud and blossoms above the muddy water surface, we can rise above our defilements and sufferings of...

HAWMC Day 2: Sharing Old Posts

It’s Day 2 of the HAWMC.  I’m officially on a roll.  Yay me!You can start with Day 1 here.   Don’t know what the heck I’m talking about?  I’ll give the link to you one more time: HAWMC.  Check it out! ...

HAWMC Day 1: Intro

It’s April Fool’s Day!  Reminds me of a short video I saw recently where the speaker was talking about wisdom.  He said something to the effect of the more wise we get, the more foolish we realize we are.  So, it’s really April...