Today is Miracles Happen Fertility podcast’s 99th episode! I have here the beautiful Pradeepa Narayanaswamy, she wrote a book called “Infertility Can Suck Less”, which is also the title of today’s episode. Here, she talks about getting unstuck on your fertility journey. Heads up: there might be some tears.

About Pradeepa

Hello! I am Pradeepa Narayanaswamy, I am a Coach, Speaker, Amazon Best Selling Author, most importantly a 12-year infertility “survivor,” and the proud mother of an amazing child.

In my own struggle with infertility, I experienced emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual desperation which tested me as a person.

My infertility journey was long, 3 miscarriages, 3 failed Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) treatments, 3 failed donor cycles, 8 back-to-back In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments, and absolutely no answers to why. Being told continuously that I was experiencing “unexplained infertility” didn’t feel like an answer to anything.

Fast forward to the present – I am proud to report I have a beautiful son, Kartik that my husband and I adopted. We are truly blessed to have him in our lives.

I began as a coach in my workplace, helping colleagues and providing them with the support they needed in their careers and personal lives. I truly fell in love with my role as a professional coach. I never imagined that coaching could have helped me when I was hit with my biggest life challenge… infertility.

My personal experience with infertility opened my eyes to the extreme need for support and service in a world where many people are also experiencing infertility and going through their own journeys. I understand that this is a process that people don’t want to talk about or don’t know who to talk to.

I wish I had a ‘Pradeepa’ back then when I was going through my own struggles with infertility, my journey would have been so different. Having a coach could have helped me to maintain a positive attitude, irrespective of the outcomes.

Being a coach is my purpose in life. I specialize in coaching people who are currently going through or have gone through struggles with their fertility. My coaching program helps you understand and address the emotional aspects when it comes to infertility. I coach both individuals and couples wanting to take control of their lives and stay energized and positive as they move forward with infertility. The objective is to help you gain emotional clarity and move toward your goals quickly.

I believe that individuals and couples who embrace fertility coaching during their infertility journey gain empowerment and have an overall more positive experience.


Here is what is covered in today’s episode:

  • Pradeepa’s journey in the fertility community and what prompted her to be a fertility coach
  • Cultural beliefs, norms, and misconceptions related to the fertility
  • Pradeepa’s book: Infertility Can SUCK LESS!: How to Take Control & Ownership of Your Infertility Struggles

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Here is what is covered in today's episode:

  • how to deal with the anxiety associated with letting go of stuff and making decisions
  • specific steps to take when you are not sure what to do next
  • the roles intuition and attention play
  • the heart-brain connection known as HeartMath, specifically, the Freeze-Frame Technique



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