Lynsi Eastburn is back at the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast to talk about her upcoming book called Waiting in the Wings – Introduction to Pink Starlight, where she wrote about her connection with specific spirit babies. You don’t wanna miss this!

As the creator of HypnoFertility®, Lynsi is the world’s established expert in the field of hypnosis to promote fertility. She began professionally using hypnosis to facilitate pregnancy before anyone else had actively considered or pursued its benefits, when there was no information about it in books, when nothing could be found on the internet. Lynsi then went on to institute the first certification program for therapists which she has taught worldwide.

The author of two books on the subject (with a third soon to be released), Lynsi personally receives patient referrals from several of the top fertility clinics in the United States. Lynsi frequently works with the most difficult cases. Patients are referred to her when other practitioners have run out of options, when medical treatments or repeated protocols that should work do not.

Lynsi has been featured in national and international media including television news, talk shows, podcasts, radio and print, and her work is the basis of ongoing research.

Her innovative style effectively blends the worlds of science and spirit (also referred to as logic and creativity or left and right brain). She holds a master’s degree in Depth Psychology and is a board-certified hypnotherapist and instructor. Lynsi is what is known as an intuitive empath. For more than 25 years, she has been a professional practitioner and instructor in the healing arts, and she’s well-versed in spiritual practices including Usui Reiki, Angelic Reiki, color healing, crystal enhancement, mindfulness, and meditation.

Lynsi combines her insights and intuitions with a biopsychosocial approach to hypnotherapy. She has found that biological, psychological, and social factors make up the whole person; therefore, all must be considered to effectively support each one. Lynsi supports a holistic, inclusive integration of science and spirit because she understands they are not mutually exclusive. Too much emphasis on one or the other can result in varying levels of imbalance which can, in turn, exacerbate the struggles of infertility. Her comprehensive background contributes to her inspired insights and has enabled her to become finely tuned in the practice of subconscious communication and mind-body balancing.

Lynsi’s clients affectionately refer to her as a spiritual midwife, and the “baby whisperer” or “spirit baby whisperer,” because of her enigmatic ability to help them achieve success—often when they have been told it’s impossible, often when she is their last hope.

Lynsi believes that if you feel a calling to have a baby there is a reason for it. She has said so from the very beginning of HypnoFertility®; she has known it all her life. It may not be rational, logical, or medically sound, but there is a reason for this calling, a purpose. Lynsi has been connected to spirit babies for many years and has seen some miraculous happenings. She delves into some of these experiences in her second book, The 3 Keys to Conception—Pregnancy Against All Odds, and it is the heart of her third book, the soon-to-be-released, Waiting in the Wings.

Here is what is covered in today’s episode:

  • A recap of HypnoFertility
  • Basic understanding of Spirit Babies
  • Waiting in the Wings – Introducing the Pink Starlights

Resources in this episode:

Interested in being an “Alpha Reader” of my upcoming book, Transcending Infertility?  I’m only looking for a select few. Email me:

Interested in piloting the e-course that goes with the program in Transcending Infertility? I’m only looking for a select few. Email me:


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Here is what is covered in today's episode:

  • how to deal with the anxiety associated with letting go of stuff and making decisions
  • specific steps to take when you are not sure what to do next
  • the roles intuition and attention play
  • the heart-brain connection known as HeartMath, specifically, the Freeze-Frame Technique



Resources in this episode:


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