Happy Compassion Week 10!
Welcome to this year-long series in 2020 on being more compassionate to yourself and others (because we need that right now, don’t we?)
Find out why I’m doing this compassion series in Week One, and access the rest of the series at the bottom of this post.
This week’s quote is by Pema Chodron:
“The essence of bravery is being without self-deception.”
Most people lie to themselves – I know I do. This video comes in the dawn of the coronavirus pandemic, and I’m sure there’s quite a bit of self-deception going on.
Pema goes on to give an acronym for self-deception in the form of the word denial:
- D – Don’t
- E – Even
- N – kNow
- I – I
- A – Am
- L – Lying
So what happens when you realize you’ve been deceiving yourself? Do you beat yourself up? Do you deny further? This week’s video is how to offer compassion for yourself through your own denial.
As always, the video has a TON more information about this quote in a short 5-minute vlog. Here is the practice for this week [adapted]:
- Ask yourself the question periodically throughout your day, “Am I lying to myself?”
- Try not to judge; instead accept. Get curious about your self-deception. What are you afraid of? How are you avoiding suffering by deceiving yourself? What would you say to a friend who was experiencing the same thing?
Hoping you feel more peaceful and more compassionate toward yourself and others after this week’s exercise. I’ll see you next week!
Be well,
Access all previous weeks here.
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