Happy Fertility Friday!
Welcome to this year-long series in 2020 on being more compassionate to yourself and others (because we need that right now, don’t we?)
This is Week 9.
Find out why I’m doing this compassion series in Week One, and access the rest of the series at the bottom of this post.
This week’s quote is by Shunryu Suzuki:
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are a few.”
Which do you want to be? To cultivate ultimate compassion (and wisdom!), it’s important to be open to new possibilities, others’ ideas, and the way others live and operate.
Wisdom isn’t a collection of pieces of knowledge; it’s the ability to be open to new knowledge and experience (even when you think you’re an expert), AND it’s the willingness to screw up. Like a lot.
As always, the video has a TON more information about this quote in a short 5-minute vlog. Here is the practice for this week [adapted]:
- Play! Yep, that’s it. When you play, you are open to possibilities without needing things to be a certain way. Just get open to what comes next. Be in the moment. Be like your dog that runs around sniffing new things: Curious! Have fun.
Hoping you feel more peaceful and more compassionate toward yourself and others after this week’s exercise. I’ll see you next week!
Be well,
Access all previous weeks here.
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