You know that thing when stuff happens, and you can’t quite believe that it actually happened? It can be good or bad. My sister was in a bad car accident last year, and I remember her saying, “Yeah it was kind of weird at first. Like I didn’t believe it happened.”
I thought about this today as I was interviewed for a podcast with Beat Infertility (due to be published on September 21…warning, keep tissues nearby). We were talking about my adoption story — the ins and outs, the heartbreaks, the difficulties, and the magic.
Oh the magic.
My son has been home for more than three years, and I still can’t believe it happened. We have friends who love telling our story, because it is that unbelieveable.
After that interview, I’m left reflectiing on when awesome stuff happens like that.
Admittedly, I have what therapists call “magical thinking.”
I’m like a kid when it comes to thinking about possibility (and frankly, I think adults aren’t kid-like enough, but that’s a whole other blog post…adding it to the topic list now).
I firmly believe that what we put our attention and focus on can manifest into reality.
But, because I like to have my head in the clouds, I also find it important to find a balance by planting my feet on the ground. That is, I need evidence that magic happens.
The biggest evidence I’ve found to date is our adoption story. For National Adoption Month (November), I will be telling our story in full. For now, take a listen at the brief synopsis over at Beat Infertility.
A true researcher, however, never stops the search. So, I’m always on the lookout for more evidence. A few months ago, I came across a little gem called E-Squared, by Pam Grout. This book has given me incredible evidence that one can manifest anything. It has a series of practical experiments that anyone can
do to prove that magic happens. And even though these little experiments were happening right in front of my eyes, I still had a hard time believing it.
For instance, there’s an experiment called the Volkswagen Jetta Principle. This principle says that whatever car you put your mind on will manifest. I know you’ve had this experience, right? I’ve had it, too.
So, I chose not to manifest just a certain kind of car. I chose to manifest orange cars. I mean, how many people really have orange cars?
Each experiment lasts for 24 hours. My husband rolled his eyes as we made our way ice skating that day. More of my kookiness. “Okay hun,” he said. “I’ll look with you.” So, I’m just chattering away about this cool new experiment I’m doing, and we get to the ice skating rink when a spot opens up in the parking lot and – ‘lo and behold – it’s right next to an orange car.
I looked at my husband and we both laughed. I mean, it’s only one car right? Well, over the next 24 hours I saw seven orange cars! Seven!
I told a client about it, in fact, and she saw an orange truck on her way home that night.
But, that still wasn’t good enough. I thought to myself, okay, there are more orange cars than I thought. I’m going to manifest pink cars. Because, really, there are sure to be fewer of those.
I left my house that day, and for some reason I went a different way to work. Wouldn’t you know, the first vehicle I saw that day was a stunning classic car puttering up the hill, and it was – you guessed it – bright friggin’ PINK! I saw three more pink vehicles that day, and 8 hours were spent indoors at work.
(Side note: As I write, I just got a newsletter email notification from Pam Grout herself…lol!)
Maybe you wouldn’t call that magic. Maybe to you it’s called “coincidence.” Try calling a rose a weed. Doesn’t change what it is, does it?
It’s a pink car showing up when I put the intention out into the ether that pink cars are what I wanted to see.
It’s adopting our Korean son when we were told it was going to be near impossible to do, and a full YEAR earlier than expected, because that’s what I told the universe I wanted to see.
I’m sure I will continue to need evidence for the rest of my life. But, I don’t mind that. Because what’s more fun than looking for awesome stuff to happen?
Until next time…be well,
~Dr. Maria