I love writing. I especially love writing about the emotional and wild ride of infertility, and it’s the sole reason I chose it for my dissertation topic.
It’s a good thing I chose it, because dissertation is in my head nearly all day every day (and probably when I sleep). Long gone are the days when I lazily get up for my first morning cup o’ joe. Now I abruptly sit up, wipe the glaze from my eyes and shake the haze from my dream-filled head, get my son off to preschool, and think about next dissertation steps.
And think.
And think.
And write notes.
And think.
And research more articles.
And think.
I’ll never get bored of writing and learning about infertility, so writing 100+ pages on the topic is actually kind of a good time.
It’s inherently time-consuming. Bleh. You’ve probably noticed how sparse my posts have been of late, and I’m stoked to say it’s because my life is full. I get to help people all day long in my career, I come home to my family (bipeds and quadrupeds alike), I cook, I laugh, I do dissertation work. Sometimes I clean.
A touch of OCD in that area would be nice, actually.
At any rate, I’m sad to say that I’ll be taking a break from blog-posting for a while. I will still be around reading and learning about other bloggers’ lives and challenges, but I will be unable to comment much and will be totally unable to post updates of my own.
I’m heartily crossing my fingers that I will have finally completed my doctoral journey come December, so I expect to begin posting again in the New Year.
I’m also planning on organizing the junk drawer and vacuuming dust bunnies under the bed. Secondary to blogging, obviously.
Until then, may you be well. May you be at peace. And may you navigate these infertility, adoption, and childfree waters with grace (forgiving yourself when you don’t).