Fertility struggles is a series of falling down, isn’t it? Every time you get your period, have a failed treatment cycle, lose a friendship, or screw up at work because you’re too stuck in your head, it’s like falling down. Hard.
This episode of the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast covers how the hell to get back up again. It’s based on a Japanese proverb “Fall Down 7 Times, Get up 8.”
But really, no matter how many times you fall, you can get back up. No matter how downtrodden, depressed, anxious, and no matter how long you are down, you can get back up.
In this episode:
- I share one anonymous person’s fertility journey (you do NOT want to miss this one)
- I talk about how to get back up after having fallen down
- I identify four areas of your life you can work on right now to move you through tough fertility moments
- BONUS: I share my cover version of a song I consider the mantra for this episode, and perhaps all fertility journeys as a whole! You can play/download the song here:
To share your thoughts and/or ask questions:
- email info@drmariarothenburger.com
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