For this episode of the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast, I talk about anecdotal evidence regarding the truth about connecting with our spirit baby.

Here is what is covered for today’s episode:
Spirit baby session experiences from previous clients
● Anecdotal evidence about the legitimacy of the other side
● Absolute connection in the realm with spirit

Resources in this episode:

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Spirit Baby Foundations Training launches on September 25th!
The Elevate Podcast
Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander
Dying to be me by Anita Moorjani
Sensitive is the new strong by Anita Moorjani








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    Here is what is covered in today's episode:

    • how to deal with the anxiety associated with letting go of stuff and making decisions
    • specific steps to take when you are not sure what to do next
    • the roles intuition and attention play
    • the heart-brain connection known as HeartMath, specifically, the Freeze-Frame Technique



    Resources in this episode:


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