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Inspired by the Japanese pottery art of Kintsugi, today’s episode focuses on highlighting the brokenness that infertility brings and potentially using it for something beautiful.
Things we talk about in this episode:
- What is Kintsugi?
- Posttraumatic Growth – AKA, “You mean I can feel good things because of infertility without discounting the pain?”
- Why what you believe matters BIG TIME (it affects your biology)
Resources shared in this episode:
- Bruce Lipton
- Bruce Lipton teaches “The Biology of Belief”
- The Bullet Journal (get uber organized)
- Self Compassion (there’s a quiz!)
To share your thoughts and/or ask questions:
- Email info@drmariarothenburger.com
- Visit me over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
- If you love what you hear, please leave feedback here, over at iTunes, or anywhere else you’re listening to this!