I was looking through some of my old blog posts recently. I once did a writing challenge that prompted us to write about a “Ridiculous Cure,” and (of course!) infertility sprang to mind.
For this prompt, I just had to make up my own ridiculous headline. A few years ago, Resolve facilitated a whole blog challenge for busting infertility myths. You wouldn’t believe the ideas that people come up with to help “cure” infertility. Things like, “Oh just go on vacation” or “Get drunk. That’s what I did” are some of my favorites. But, the headline below is one that I get all the time.
And you know what? Most of the time it’s from my own family! No matter how often I educate, it just doesn’t sink in. So, hey…why not get a little giggle from it? [Warning: The following news article is dripping with sarcasm.]

Hoping this brought a little “tee-hee” to your day.
Until next time…Be Well,
-Dr. M